Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why is India so....??? - II

Here I go again from the fourth question: Maman??

Don't we recognise him?? He's everywhere. Just behind the curtain waiting to be found out. He's one of us and sometimes in us. Once again the importance of money for us creeps up. We can do anything and everything for money. Ethics/Relations are nothing in front of money to us as long as those being hurt are not one of our own. So actually this is a simple depiction of "we don't care about others. What we care about is money."

And another part of the same question: "Begging as profession??"

Leave aside the children who are forced to do it. Even the adults who are capable of working go for begging as a profession. Don't believe me?? One of the popular newspapers conducted a survey/interview on beggars in Mumbai. They found out that a most of them had properties worth more than a normal worker in an industry. A few infact owned and rented houses to others as another source of income while they themselves lived in Slums. One of them boasted of coming in a well ironed dress in an auto everyday to his workplace(the place where he sits and begs) where he changes into his work clothes(tatters) and leaves the same way 10 hours later and a few hundreds richer. This is how low we can go for money. Thinking that at least you are not such. Well not exactly. But yet.. no different. How many of us are who wont do something morally wrong if they are assured of no ill consequences and high gains. If you wont then search among the people you know. You'll definitely find a lot.

Another part after the fourth question which comes is: Taj Mahal??

This part I'm sure most of us is familiar with. Even the government is not behind. We charge the foreigners insanely high for most of the things. I don't yet know the logic why the govt. does so except increasing the forex. Yet, even we people never leave a chance to mug them in way of overcharging. Something which the locals can buy at 50 Rupees the foreigners are charges 50$ or more... which when converted turns out to be 2500 Rupees. or a mug profit of 2450. So see the high gain and low risk. We are adept at doing such things. And this is true not only for foreigners but even for people within India. I remember the first time i went to my college which was within my own state, i paid 5 times the rent for an auto rickshaw after i stepped down from the bus. Only because i did not know how far my college was located.

Moving on to the fifth and sixth question: Well.. I've already explained how low people can go for money and how much sense of ownership they have.

Well looks like I've covered all the scenarios from SlumDog in the first four questions. The other questions are just another representation of the things I've already listed.

However as someone mentioned in a comment in my last post:"It is written"

This shows how much we believe in luck/destiny instead of what we actually do. Infact even I, myself believe a lot in it. But actually in a way different than others. I instead of believing what is written for my future try to prove why it was written in my past. And I'll enumerate my findings some other day. The title probably would be "Plain Lucky"

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