Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The big wide generation gap...

Got off a call just now with my parents. And i feel like there's huge gap between their and my understanding. I feel like there's a huge difference in their and my viewpoint. Even on the points on which we agree.
I never have understood why parents feel as if the children can never grow up. They can never take care of themselves. I'm lucky in the sense that atleast my parents do understand this to a larger extent than a lot of other people i've seen. But now as i've crossed adolescence and am into adulthood, though still being a child at heart, i'm beginning to understand the reason behind this. When i go to my elder bro or sis's and try to interact with my nieces and nephews or even younger cousins and sisters i feel as if i am out of place while talking to them. As if my world and their world is totally different. And amazingly it seems almost the same as when i talk to a very elderly person. Only the places change. In the latter case i feel as if the other person is ignorant of new things and in case of former i am the ignorant one. This I believe is what they call generation gap. And the way I understand why this happens is that whenever we talk to someone younger we remember ourselves at that age and try to talk about things we used to do at that age. And in all this we forget the most basic aspect of this world. CHANGE!!! As we grow up the world changes. As we grow up the circumstances surrounding a child changes. For me a mall or a fast food joint was ike a dreamland 10-12 years ago. But for the younger generation it's a frequent hangout. That's the difference. While we all are busy in our jobs the world outside our office changes a lot. A couple of years ago an iPod used to generate a lot of excitement. Now it's just another commodity. My grandpa used to tell me that when he was young he used to get 1 paisa as pocket money. Now it has changed to 100Rs. Similarly has the world changed. But if i look from my grandpa's perspective 100Rs. is still a very big amount. I'm not sure where this is leading to. I'm not even sure why i'm writing this down. Maybe because of the same reason i do everything else. Because i feel like it. And already i'm feeling better. Much better. Well I just hope that I dont forget when it's my turn to face the generation gap. Any comments are most welcome. Because i still am very confused on all this. :s


  1. The best way to reduce generation gap is to understand their view point and explaining our view point to them. :)

  2. I have also experienced this many times. But, from my understanding, the gap between me and the younger generation is not as large as the gap between my parents and myself.
