Sunday, December 19, 2010

Duality is Truth?? or Truth, Duality...

Dual.. a word that means two... also meaning fight.. challenge..
Truth.. What is Truth? Is truth what the fact says that it is. Or is truth what really happens. This takes me to a bigger question that comes right out of "The Matrix". What is real?

I'm still not sure what ending I want to give to this blog. But I just wanted to pen down my thoughts. Ok.. rather keyboard down my thoughts. :P

The word "Not" describes most of the things in life. Either you do something.. or you do "Not".
Darkness is nothing but "Not" of Light. It's a relative term. It's the absence of something.
Similarly Cold is absence of heat. It is relative too. -10 degrees sounds cold. But relative to -30 degrees it's warmer or hotter...
Same goes everywhere. In fact it's in the nature. Duality is all around us. Either you are the predator or you are the prey. Either you evolve or you are extinct. There are two genders. Male and Female. There's Life and there's an absence of it. Either something is or it is not. This is a very basic truth.

As I observe the world more and more I can see the concept of duality everywhere. Being a software engineer, the world these days appears to me as a huge concatenated if.. then.. else.. condition. The "if" part has the choice... "then" has the events that would unfold if you accept the choice and "else" has the events that would happen if you choose not to.

And these choices define how someone's life is going to be. Yet I see that there's a hidden element of probability. Of possibility. Of uncertainty. Of the unknown. Unknown again is simply an absence of knowledge. (which results in my derivation of my life funda of the unquenchable thirst for knowledge) The less the unknown... The more you know about the effect of the choice you make. Which is why people like to discuss things before choosing. They want to see things before buying. Find out about other person before marriage. Find out about someone before dealing with them. All to limit the unknown. And yet I find that the unknown is the most powerful element in the equation of life. Look at the universe. The absence is much larger the presence of things. There's more empty space than matter. There's more cold than heat. There's more darkness than light. So where's the duality you ask. Everywhere. Even in the truth. Either something is true or it is not(False). Yet duality in itself has no other. Do not think of singularity. Singularity is because something that is unlike it is present. Multiplicity.. Yes that exists but not as a dual to duality. Multiplicity is just a large grouping of duality.

Well this actually takes me to a new thread. Computer world is not so unlike the real world. Or rather the world we live in. The basic logics behind any program consist of the if.. then.. else conditions just like the life. Deja Vu is like the repeat twice. A few people liking the same things is like a for loop with the a random function in it. And so on... I think I would rather dedicate another entry sometime on this... For now I would rather choose "Not" to continue on this. :)


  1. I thought I had replied.. Sorry...
    Well Di.. Soham by its inherent being is duality itself. Body and Mind, Body and Soul, Shiva/Parvati(the ardhnarishvar) All point to duality. And only when u achieve the status of duality in entirety u achieve the state of Soham.. in simpler words.. when the duality is considered as a single being.. u achieve Soham...
