Monday, February 27, 2012

The Beginnings & The Endings

"Everything that has a beginning has an end Neo!", the Oracle says to Neo in The Matrix Revolutions. And this one sentence is going round and round in my mind for so long now. Why? you ask. Well, this one simple sentence has a lot of meanings and a lot to say and teach about life.
In few of my earlier blogs, I've outlined my questions regarding the futility of life. This one sentence seems to outline that, highlights it and then tries to answer some of the questions. So what am I thinking? Here's what :
The first and foremost meaning that comes across is the simple fact that nothing stays forever. Technology gets outdated and replaced. Colors fade, sounds dissipate, flowers wither. Materials wear out. People and animals die. Everything in this universe is created only in order to be destroyed. This is also the essence of many a holy scriptures in Hinduism and especially so of the Bhagvad Gita. Most of the ancient religions worshipped a trinity. In Hinduism it was Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh. Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. Christianity has the Father, the son and the holy spirit. Greeks had Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Norse had Odin, Thor and Hel. Egyptians had : Ra, Isis and Osiris. Ever wondered why? Because on a timeline everything can be divided into three parts: Before existence, Existence and After Destruction. In other words.. Birth, Life & Death. or in the above context: Beginning, Continuation & an End.
Also, all the religions agree that the trinity is not actually trinity but one power that's above everything else and the trinity in itself and as a whole represents that power. What is that power? Or what is it referring to. Maybe it refers to the complete cycle of Beginning to End. Maybe it refers to what's driving the cycle.
Anyways.. so now that we've established that everything will come to an end someday or other. Isn't whatever u do futile on a larger scale. for eg. Whether I eat meat or become a vegetarian.. how does it affect anything? The earth will still go around the sun.Whether I have a job or not impacts only my life and to some extent of my dependents. Whether Coca Cola increases it's revenue from $35 bn or goes in loss this year. After about a hundred or thousand years nothing will matter. And similarly larger events will still fade from the minds over a large enough period of time. So why are we doing whatever we are doing?

Well.. I've argued enough on one meaning for now.. And am feeling sleepy.. Hopefully I'll write more as I still haven't started on the futility and yet necessity of human relations.