Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wastage is Fun!!! ??? !!!

The other day I was having a shower. Now, a few of my friends who have had the misfortune of sharing a flat with me know how long do I take when I go for a shower instead of just a bath. I would say I spend more time in the shower than a normal girl takes to dress up. OK.. Cancel that... Not that long.. Hmm... Maybe half an hour to 45 minutes... OK.. An hour.. That's it...
But anyways during the shower I remembered a mandatory web based training in my company on ecology or something... I just remember some ISOs... 14001?? I guess... and few other things about the environment. One question in the quiz that followed the training was:
What wastes most water in a normal household:
Flushing Toilets
Washing Clothes
Bathing with a bucketful of water
Taking a 10-minute shower

Now the answer if you don't know is the last one which says that 10 minute shower wastes most water. And this started a long chain of thought... I hear some "as usual"?? Well Whatever!!!
If I fill up a bucket and bathe I don't enjoy as much as I enjoy a shower. I believe most people will agree. But the shower wastes much more water. So is my enjoyment worth wasting a precious resource??
Then the thought chain grew. And I remembered the wonderful event... the wonderful festival of colors... Holi... :) That's once a year... I know... But everyone on that day... wastes water and has fun... :)
Then again.. the festival of lights... Diwali... We waste electricity... we waste money on crackers... which infact are harmful to the environment.... and so on.. But we have fun...
Then again Lohri... Wastage of wood... Fuel...
Making paper airplanes... Paper boats during rainy season.... Wastage of paper....
And again... How many of us actually enjoy long drives... I for one love them... though I don't get many chances.... But that again is a wastage of fuel....
That day... the list seemed endless to me.
And I'm not even touching on wastage of money... :p
We can save all these things... But at the cost of the enjoyment they give to us. So are they actually worth saving?? I guess it's again a matter of perspectives. I for one would rather waste and enjoy and have fun because that's the only thing I find worth living for. :)


  1. talking of wasatage ..... i wasted time on reading this blog entry...... but enjoyed it........ so deos it justify the wastage????
    and by the waay girls do not take an hour to dress........

  2. As I said.. wastage or fun is a choice... So it depends on u.... And ya... I was not talking about u... I was talking about normal girls... :p

  3. As always enjoyed reading ur post. :)
