Monday, March 16, 2015


Not so random thoughts.. Figured I should list it out..

1. I want you to be by my side so we watch the sunset over a beach together.
2. I want you by my side when I'm enjoying a drive with soothing music playing in the car.
3. I want you by my side when I'm just generally wondering looking at the raindrops falling from the sky through the glass top of my car.
4. I want you to listen to all my weird theories and give your comments/opinions - coz seriously, I am stupid and need someone sensible to listen to me and talk some sense into me.
5. I want you to be with me so we can together explore all the restaurants and eateries in every town/city we visit.
6. I want you to be there with me while we travel around the globe exploring all the wonderful things out there.
7. I want you to be the kid with me.. sing with me and dance with me.. in the public or at home. To just be crazy with me..
8. I want you to be my inspiration in life. The driving force so I can be a better person every day.
9. I also want you to be the foundation of my life going forth.
10. And lastly I need you to be the mother of my kids. Coz frankly, I will probably be an awful dad. So they'll need a better role model than me.

I can't promise much in return.. But..

1. I will always be there for you - whenever you need me.
2. If you wanna get drunk and need me to drive you back home - I promise not to drink a drop of alcohol.
3. If you are feeling low and need someone to listen - my ears would always be within reach.
4. If you ever need to cheer up - I'll make sure I have some good jokes handy
5. I will care for you and make sure that I have time for you whenever you need.

All in all, basically, I will be with you - always and forever - like the clichéd saying of in health and sickness and so on. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I will try to make all of it fun and filled with happiness, as much as I can, but will be able to do so only with your support.

So , :), will you marry me?

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